The Society's Regional Scholars Award recognizes and promotes outstanding entry-level scholars the field of biblical studies as identified by the Society's eleven Regions. The objectives of the program are to:

●       Encourage professional development;

●       Lend practical assistance;

●       Establish ties between new and established scholars.

If the region’s nominee is chosen to receive a Regional Scholar Award (up to 6 may be awarded nationally), he/she will be recognized on the Society's website (, in the Annual Meeting Program Book, and at an award recognition event at the Annual Meeting. An award of $1000 is given to each recipient to support attendance at the Annual Meeting. In addition, Regional Scholars are encouraged to submit a paper proposal to the Annual Meeting in the year following their selection. Under the auspices of the program, a mentor may be chosen to provide advice concerning the preparation of a paper for the national meeting and/or publication.

Application Process:

Each Region of the Society may select one candidate for the award based upon the qualifications, requirements, criteria, and process, outlined in here. If no applicants satisfy the Region's expectations, the Region is not obligated to select a candidate.